How do you downsize an RV?

Downsizing from a standard home to an RV was a huge adjustment for us. The downsizing process took time and was not easy.  Unfortunately, we made a ton of mistakes in this process.

We created a video on this topic. I’ve attached a link to it here:

How do you downsize an RV?
How do you downsize an RV?

And since we’re gluttons for punishment, (just kidding- kinda) we decided to downsize again!

We then downsized from a 40 foot fifth wheel to a 30 foot motorhome. We thought that it would be easy because we had already downsized once.  But downsizing was a big challenge. For those of you considering a smaller RV, we’ll attach to that video here:

How do you downsize an RV?
How do you downsize an RV?